Optimising measurement performance

Optimising measurement performance

All roads lead to Rome. In the case of tactile coating thickness measurement, that sentence could be adapted to read: all measurements lead to accurate readings. However, it is not that simple. Instead, it should be stated that there is at least one road that leads to Rome – but only if you use a reliable measuring method and device relevant to the application, explains Dr Martin Leibfritz, CEO of Helmut Fischer Global.

Turning the Tide

Turning the Tide

Hempel was asked to provide Orbital Marine Power Ltd (Orbital) with a comprehensive coating solution for its world-leading tidal turbine – the Orbital O2. David Heal, Global Head of Renewable Energy & Performance OEM Segments at Hempel, explains.

What is sustainability?

What is sustainability?

AkzoNobel says sustainability is one of its core principles. “We strive to lead our industry by empowering people, reducing our impact on the planet and consistently innovating to deliver the most sustainable solutions for our customers,” explains Wijnand...