Hempel confirms leadership position within fuel efficiency in the shipping industry. By completing 2,000 vessel applications of Hempaguard X7, Hempel has reduced shipowners’ fuel consumption by 7.6 million tons, lowering fuel costs by at least USD 2.6 billion and CO2 emissions by 23.5 million tons.
The settlement of marine species on ships’ hulls results in economic penalties and may cause environmental damage. The accumulation of biofouling leads to increased hull roughness, which has a direct impact on fuel consumption and consequently the emission of air...
Let me start by emphasising: Hempel is indeed in business. We are taking care of our customers and their assets around the world despite the global COVID-19 situation. Our key priority right now is the health and safety of our employees, customers and partners. The...
A new fouling defence system released by Hempel claims to bring 14% fuel savings over traditional anti-fouling, and comes with an impressive performance guarantee including fouling protection for up to 120 days of idle time. At a press launch for the system in London,...